Friday 17 January 2025


Funded training Authorized and Recognized training Free training Professional Formative Credits


Europrojecting Legal Economic consulting Technical consulting Tax Assistance

Welcome to the Training Center

By being aware that the real treasure of each one of us resides in knowledge and that the strategic value and main objective of training is increasing the potential of young and adult people, developing technical and managerial skills, and an active reflection on one's own abilities, C.S.F. snc di Ing. Paolo Ricci & C. – Training Center - is at the service of anyone who needs to increase their own personal knowledge...

Dott. Ing. Paolo Ricci
Since 2004 he has been the owner of Technical Studio Ing. Paolo Ricci.

Since November 2009, legal representative of C.S.F. snc.

Dr Rosita Alesiani
Since 2003 she has been the owner of Studio Dott.ssa Rosita Alesiani.

Since November 2009, business partner of C.S.F. snc.

Funded, authorized and free Training Courses

C.S.F. Training Center constantly organizes funded, authorized and free Training Courses.
The topics of the courses are of various kinds, and range from Occupational Safety to English Courses, from Healthcare Assistant (OSS) to Independent Technical Consultant courses, and many more.
The courses are recognized, and they are managed by Trained and Professional Teachers ...



Progettazione europea

Assistance for the participation in Public Contracts, to obtain Funding and Assisted Finance or Non-repayable Contributions for Companies and Professionals...


home accreditamenti

CSF is accredited by the region of Marche. This accreditation enables us to clarify and communicate the commitment of CSF SNC di Ing. Ricci Paolo & C. - Training Center - towards its users involved in the formation process.


home studio di consulenza

- Legal-economic Sector -
- Technical sector -
- CAF (Tax assistance center) and CDL (Labour consulting) -

performed courses

trained users

hours of training provided

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